Sunday, November 11, 2007


When I was a high school student, my English teacher tought us about appositive using a lot of time, because it was hard for students to understand well.

APPOSITIVE is used to mention a particular person/thing using extra imformation after","

Now, here is an example:non-restrictive
I have roommates, who learns Arabic.

In this sentence, "learn Arabic" is extra imformation about MY roommates. Without it, we can not know who my roommate is. The sentence can show that ALL roommate are studying Arabic.

an example:restrictive
My roommates who learn Arabic.

In this sentence, the meaning can show that there may be roommates, who don't study Arabic, because the sentence" who learn Arabic" didn't modifire "My roommate".

another example:restrictive
My father sitting on the chair is very kind.

In this sentence, the meaning is that I may have another fater besides the man, who is sitting on the chair.

Thus, it is different between Restrictive and non-Restrictive

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Mayflower I live in has many funny person.
There are Chinese, Korean, French, Thai, Taiwanese....

Today, I'll talk about a black man, who is storng, big, clever.

Because he is a black person, he always use Black English.
The most famous greeting of black English is "what's up?". But he didn't use it. Instead of it, he used

"Do you wanna dispute, man??"

I'm not sure that he used it for greeting words, but I thought that it was used in the same situation of "what's up?"

I thought the slang which the dictionary doesn't have are very intersting!!!

This picture was in a Halloween Party